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August Update: Life & Other Things!

Hey folks, Mage here. I want to start this post by saying, if you're reading this...thank you for sticking beside us through this hectic year! We have been absent, our store low in-stock and communication has been nearly non-existent, for this we apologize. There has been a great deal happening in our personal lives, some I am not at liberty to discuss, and it has impacted us in a heavy and draining way. Things I can discuss, I had a minor health scare with my blood pressure at the end of last year. I found myself in urgent care twice with extremely high blood pressure readings. It was caused by a combination of stress and unknowingly and drastically increase of sodium intake. Although my blood pressure is not where I'd like it to be it is under control and getting better each month. I take my health seriously and with my dedicated change of lifestyle plans and the help of my doctor I feel confident that I will not long need medications to control my BP. There was a great deal we promised when we closed last year and most of it was set aside to handle my health and other life issues.

The arrival of August brings us that much closer to the holiday season so our Autumn and Halloween productions are nearing an end and set to be released mid-September. This year we're offering a more limited Halloween release to include more neutral Autumn items. If you are a Gold or Diamond plan member you will get access to the release 24hrs before non-members. With the holiday releases we're going to start leaning toward pre-order so that we don't over produce on specialty items. The pre-order option will only be available for gift sets, as they are the most costly to produce, and made to order items. We've put a lot of thought into this years collection and we can't wait to share it with everyone. I believe a major part of my mood shift and motivation has to do with the ber months being right around the corner, I can't wait for fall to start! Thanks again for sticking with us!

Are you ready for Fall?

  • A thousand times yes!

  • Noooo, boo, hiss, we need more summer!

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